Liverpool Registered
Manager Network
A Skills for Care Initiative

Liverpool Registered Managers Network is a part of a national programme, supported by the Department of Health, to help Registered Managers in their roles as lead professionals in social care settings.

Registered Managers Networks are an opportunity for managers from the same geographical area to meet up and work towards improved quality. They also work as a communication point for those who can shape the sector, such as regulators and commissioners, and for local stakeholders.

Registered Managers, commonly the lead professionals across all social care settings, have a pivotal leadership role. The White Paper, Caring for our future: reforming care and support, recognised the particularly important impact that they have on people’s experience of care and support and the need to provide more support for them to combat the isolation that they can sometimes feel. The White Paper identified strong leadership as fundamental to the provision of high-quality care and essential to the delivery of all its proposals.

Next Meeting Date

Our next meeting will take place on:



Book your place:

If you would like to attend a Liverpool Registered Manager Network meeting please call our office using the details at the bottom of the page or email Carley Kennedy, Administrative Assistant on

The purpose of the registered managers’ local network is to support registered managers to improve the quality of their services. This will be achieved by offering:

To download a copy of the Terms of Reference for the group please click here

Previous Meeting Resources

Our most recent meeting took place on Wednesday 4th October 2023, you can download all materials from the meeting including agenda, key outcomes and presentations from speakers by clicking below.

 You can access resources from other meetings via the buttons below and should you wish to access resources from any meetings not listed please contact Carley Kennedy via email on