Data Security Protection Toolkit
Book a Training Session

Cyber-attacks are financially devastating and disrupting and upsetting to people and businesses. In light of this ever-increasing threat, Liverpool Social Care Partnership (LSCP), have been awarded a grant to support north west care providers on their data security journey as part of the national Better Security, Better Care programme

The programme will help you to evaluate and improve your data and cyber security. This means you can reassure the people you support, their families, your staff, commissioners, regulators, and health and care partners, that you are following good practice – and meeting legal and regulatory requirements.


LSCP’s main focus, is to help you to understand the importance of data and cyber security and to complete an annual, online self-assessment using the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT).

Our sessions are set out as below, they can be completed in any order however recommend attending the Introductory Webinar if you are not already registered on the toolkit:

Funded by


This is for organisations at the very start of their journey with the Toolkit, or staff who are new to this role. We will explore

Session 1: Getting Started & Staffing

Session 2:
Policies & Procedures

Session 3:
Data Security

Session 4: I.T. Devices & Systems

Free Training for Staff / Senior Managers

FREE Staff Training: Cyber Security & Data Protection

This FREE staff training is available to organisations that have completed and published the toolkit to Standards Met and have attended our DSPT training. This session is 3 hours long.

This training helps ensure your staff understand;

FREE Training for Directors & Senior Managers: Information Governance

This course is FREE for Directors & Senior Managers of your organisation and available once you have completed and published the DSPT to Standards Met. This session lasts 3.5 hours long.

You will have the opportunity to discuss and evaluate the following;

Book your training session via our form below